
11/02 - 25/02/2011

Artists: Aitor Isasa, Blanca Lasheras, Graffiti/Dizebi, Ibai Etxeberria, Iker Azurmendi, Ivan Mata, Javier Fernández, Juan Berrozpe, Mikel Telleria, Pablo Fermin, Patricia Gómez, Sebastián Aizpurua.

One of the goals of this circuit is to be a showcase platform. One of the main problems facing young artists from any field is how hard it is to break into the cultural system and offering a solution lies at the very heart of this project.

A key section of the Kultur project is the one dedicated to art. This year, 12 artists have been selected whose work will be exhibited in each venue that Kultur visits. This will be alongside the guest artists expressly invited to each location.

The art circuit, in the same way as for its other fields (films, music, fashion, etc.), has two important missions.  The first, which is aimed at the target audience, is to display and disseminate the future and present of art in Gipukzoa, while the other and more important mission, is the opportunity that Kultur provides for the artists to showcase their work on this platform to launch their career as an artist.

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