
08/09 - 12/09/2014

An altar is a narrative event. The believers are narratively approaching it to express their fears, sufferings, wishes and hopes. When one stands before an altar there is a need to communicate, but at the same time there is also a capacity whereby one can express oneself aesthetically.

From the icon to the altarpiece, altars bring together different ways of representing things; each one of them tells a specific thing or event in a precise and different way. In this space, we can work with the symbolic qualities or characteristics of the figures represented. If not, it is also possible to work on a sequence by narrating the exemplary life of the character and his or her sufferings. And why not, it is also possible to punish the vices and excesses concealed by that exemplary life.

When working on an ideology-free view, in this case when working on illustration, we can achieve a different, amazing perspective by adopting the aesthetic approaches of our traditional cultures.

The building of an altar will give the participants in this workshop the chance to work on various aspects: the non-sequential narrative of a character, symbolic register and, among all, aesthetics and colour.

This workshop will be a place to encourage fun, reflection, personal creativity and to create together. In it, we will be proclaiming the need to experiment with traditional language.



In the initial sessions of the workshop we will be focussing on the reflection on and imitation of graphical representativeness.

We will start with scapulars and amulets by way of introduction to the subject of the symbol, and we will be immersing ourselves in our iconographic heritage, as well as in its psychological meaning.

We will then go on to work on the narrative models that have a religious origin, like the Russian popular prints (lubki) and the ex votos; after studying their structures and subjects, we will then proceed to create our own stories.

We will be continuing with our reflection by creating a calendar of saints’ days, and from it we will be choosing a person, animal or whatever we admire.

After performing the necessary sanctification, we will move on to narrating his/her life and miracles.


Who can take part?

12 participants will be accepted onto the course.
General requisites:

  • Participants must be from the Basque Country.
  • Preference will be given to members of the Galtzagorri Association.
  • Preference will also be given to members of the Basque Illustrators' Association.


How much will it cost?

The applicants chosen by the judges' panel to participate in the workshop will do so free of charge.

A grant will be provided to each which will cover both the training provided during the workshop and the production and exhibition of the strips created during the process.

How can i put my name down?

Applicants must draw and send a chapter of the life of San Ignacio. In addition to this, they also need to provide the following documents:

  • A CV
  • A copy of their National ID Card
  • An e-mail address
  • A telephone number

Applicants for the workshop should send triplicate copies of the requested documents in CD format to the following address:
Galtzagorri Elkartera:
Zemoria kalea, 25, behea.
20.013 Donostia

When is the deadline?

The deadline for submitting applications is the 30 June 2014.
The judges' decision regarding participants will be announced on 30 July 2014.

For any further information, please contact:

943 471 487


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