Cuerpo sin Órganos/CsO


Cuerpo sin Órganos/CsO

BwO is a Laboratory Cycle that will gravitate around the Body Without Organs concept of Antonin Artaud. One of the pillars of western thought, the idea of transcendental essence, lies in this questioning of the body. And with that, the idea of essential order, of an order that has always existed, that is necessary, unique. Artaud sought to abolish that essential organic order of reality. Is it possible to organise a strategy to access that disorganised body? The cycle is approached as an exercise in itself.

The very process is here the specific purpose that just like a spring seeks for each twist to return to the previous one and on to the next. A continuous transfer between different actions. Feedback that ranges from the guideline of a thought that forms a shape that thinks to greater materiality that does not differentiate principles from results, eggs or hens. It is therefore not a concept to be developed as a set of practices to be followed. The action of projecting, of leaping forwards without looking for a screen.