The work of the artist Susana Talayero ebbs between painting, video and installation as a means that allows her to explore the limits between the different media; along with the generation of encounters that jointly form an attempt at epistemology and resilience. The work of Pablo Marte revolves around how the meaning of image and the production of discourse processes are expressed – and re-expressed –, by means of heterogeneous, expansive and symptomatic montage.

For "Marginalia", Marte and Talayero first wanted to spotlight the uncertain nature of the pooling of their work methods. They thus dedicated several sessions to a type of mutual mobbing, "as two planets unexpectedly coming together," as they put it, "which leads to gravitational fiends whose limits the collaboration calls into question". Three focal points thus emerged and which they believe feature in any collaborative work: encounter, tension and confluence. They then rethought the three focal points relating to the library and to its compounding influence as an expression of culture, knowledge and civilisation. They returned to the words of Didi Huberman in his research on Aby Warburg and the Atlas Mnemosyne: "an exhibition of differences". They then approached the differences as the very separation, "the space between", which may also be seen as the space that remains (the residual, the trace). In keeping with the work processes, they have generated a satellite material that functions as a territory in itself: Principios movedizos y provisionales [Provisional and Shifting Principles].

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