Jeleton are María Ángeles Alcántara Sánchez (b. Murcia, 1975) and Jesús Arpal Moya, (b. Barakaldo, 1972), who have been working as a team since 1999. They have produced and presented their work in various exhibitions, workshops and documentary and research projects (consonni, Bilbao, 2012; CA2M, Móstoles, 2012; ENPAP, Bilbao, 2012; Proyecto Rampa, Madrid, 2012; Sametitled, Berlin, 2012; General Public, Berlin, 2012; Arizko Dorretxea, Basauri, 2011; TEXTO, Barcelona, 2011; Manifesta 8, Murcia, 2010; Casa Vecina, Mexico City, 2010; Espacio Abisal, Bilbao, 2008, among others).