
Jeleton is an intervention team in literary, musical and iconographic repertoires. Among its other lines of work, since 2008 it has been researching around the concept of the "footnote", as a way to redistribute the uses and meanings of specific cultural artefacts (a film, a work of art, an archive, etc.). This line of work, where different knowledges, gestures and techniques are deployed, explores annotation as a performative technique and to empower any reader and, by extension the viewers/audiences of works of art. The general method is to provide a public annotation of a piece by a specific artist in an equally specific context, a priori not related, and the subsequent publishing of the notes produced in a publication.

"Paris Is Burning oharduna" (Paris Is Burning annotated), the Jeleton intervention at the Pepe Espaliú Library is in the form of a collection of footnotes to the documentary "Paris Is Burning" (Jennie Livingston, 1990) that are disperse in space, time and distribution channels and compiled in a printed edition. "Paris Is Burning", a complex piece that is simultaneously historicization and a cosmology, and which tackles the Chicano, trans Afro-American and gay culture of the "Houses" (communities) in the city of New York at the end of the 1980s, will be projected in a multiple and specific context –the personal library of Pepe Espaliú, his "Carrying" action, AIDS politics, Arteleku, Donostia-San Sebastián in 1992 and in 2013, etc.- seeking to generate frictions between document and body, work and affection.

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11/03 - 15/03/2013