Peio Aguirre is an art critic, independent curator and editor. In the early 1990s, he programmed exhibitions in the AKA Arriola Kultur Aretoa in Elorrio. From 2000 to 2005, he codirected D.A.E. Donostiako Arte Ekinbideak, a curatorial platform for art projects. Among other exhibitions, he has curated Imágenes desde el otro lado, CAAM, Las Palmas de Canarias (2007), Arqueologías del Futuro, Sala Rekalde, Bilbao (2007); Asier Mendizabal, MACBA, Barcelona (2008) and Néstor Basterretxea, Forma y Universo, Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao (2013). His work has been published in numerous magazines and exhibition catalogues locally, nationally and internationally. He writes cultural criticism in his blog Crítica y metacomentario: